Mosaic Weather Tree Update!

We are nearly 5 months into our family mosaic project to make a mosaic weather tree depicting the weather for every day of 2012!

There are four colours showing the predominant weather for that day – blue for rain, grey for cloud, yellow for sun and white glitter tile for snow. You can see our wet wet April and start of May, now suddenly, hot and sunny (glee!).

And here are the two cheeky monkeys helping to make it!

Hope you are enjoying good weather, wherever you are.

5 Responses to “Mosaic Weather Tree Update!”

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  1. Mousy Brown says:

    I am sure there is more sun there than we got! I do love this idea, I think maybe next year….

  2. Concetta says:

    Mmmm you are in Wales no?

  3. a beautiful project. I’d love to see a photo of the finished product.

  4. Deborah Camp says:

    What color did you use for the background? And what kind of material? I love this idea and want to make a tree of my own.

  5. Deborah Camp says:

    What color background did you use? And what type of material? Love your idea.