Mosaic adventures

Running my mosaic classes and workshops is so fulfilling –  watching people discover this amazing art form and their own creativity within the four walls of my little studio. I have been doing mosaic classes and workshops at least twice a week for around 4 years now  and I now see a pattern emerging in my style of teaching mosaics.

One of the main threads is that I don’t believe in limiting what people can achieve because they are ‘beginners’. Instead, I give students all I know and  trust them to jump in at whatever level they are comfortable. It leads to an adventurous approach to mosaic making, where (most) things are possible, experimenting (and making mistakes) is totally encouraged and the hard work of mosaic making becomes play.

Right from their first mosaic, I am encouraging students to use unusual materials, try 3d and textural techniques and attempt stuff that maybe is a bit challenging. And it works!

Take a look a these examples, all of beginner mosaics:

Use of tempered glass, stacked slate and several grout colours in this stunning mosaic  by Janet:

mosaic worshop class

A mosaic of a bird with a 3d effect (stained glass and cement) by Jen. The last picture is just grouted so yet to be cleaned and polished but the accomplished nature of this first mosaic shines through…

mosaic workshop classes

mosaic workshop classes

mosaic workshop classes

This horse mosaic, made by 12 year old Abi during a one day bespoke workshop  (with just a little help from me on the horse).

mosaic workshop classes

It is yet to be grouted and I can’ wait to see the finished mosaic!

The common refrain in my studio is “Yes, you can!“.

To borrow a phrase from artist, Kelly Rae, I think I am a mosaic possibilitarian.

3 Responses to “Mosaic adventures”

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  1. Laura S, Texas, USA says:

    Such beautiful work, hard to believe they are first works. I hope all these ladies continue to develop their artist talents as you continue to be a possibilitarian, what a great word. Thanks for sharing

  2. All I can say is WOW love the 3-D flower. I have recently been doing mosaics with Seniors and folks at the Mental Health Drop in Centre. It is amazing what these people can accomplish… All it takes is patience and a little knowledge about the process!!

    Thanks Concetta for sharing all your knowledge and time to write about it.

  3. Concetta says:

    Ah….you are welcome, its lovely to show off what people can do!