How to be an entrepreneur

This poster has followed me around all my workplaces for the last 10 years and is now on the door of my studio.

I bought it in Haight Ashbury, the most wonderfully hippy district of San Francisco, from the Red Victorian Peace Centre where they produce a range of inspirational arts posters (you can order them online). Check out the one called “Baloney”!

6 Responses to “How to be an entrepreneur”

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  1. Amelia says:

    love it, love it! and totally agree! Off to do what your poster days 😉


  2. Amelia says:

    'says' even! :0

  3. jacqueline says:

    I love it lots too!! I am off to check out the link! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!

  4. Louise Gale says:

    LOVE IT. thanks for posting. We should all have this on our walls. xx

  5. Dana Barbieri says:

    I love this Concetta.

  6. I’ve saved your poster in my file”Words to live by” (I especially believe in listening to the stories that trees can tell)…
    thank you !