On autumn resolutions…

“It seems to me that January resolutions are about will; September resolutions are about authentic wants…. The beauty of autumnal resolutions is that no one else knows we’re making them. Autumnal resolutions don’t require horns, confetti and champagne. September resolutions ask only that we open to positive change.”

Sarah Ban Breathnach       

7 Responses to “On autumn resolutions…”

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  1. Dana Barbieri says:

    Stunning photo! Love the quote. Wondering what your September resolutions will be.

  2. Sy says:

    beautiful stuff C. Ah I love autumn, its my favorite season!

  3. Concetta says:

    Ahh…should I say. Let me tell you one, that when school starts fully (next week) I will not do house jobs while kids are out of the house when its one of my studio days. There! Now ask me in 3 months if I keep it!! x

  4. get stuff done says:

    it always feels like new year to me. still, after all these years….

  5. Concetta says:

    I always remember getting new pencil cases and stuff…lovely feeling!

  6. Amelia says:

    ah Autumn, is it that season already? I know my thoughts are definitely full of ideas/thoughs/resolutions, maybe time to refine and hone them. Lovely quote and gorgeous photo.

    Also, I've reached a celebratory moment over on my blog and would love your thoughts on a question I've just posed on my latest post if you have a mo 🙂


  7. AG Ambroult says:

    hm. so true! without knowing it, I think I DO make autumn resolutions.
    and that photo? Did you take that? It is breathtaking. nice going.