At last, some time to make my mosaic hearts.

mosaic hearts waiting to be grouted...
I love these mosaic heart brooches and pendants, don’t tire of making them. They are high bling when worn (always a good thing in my book) and hold much meaning… Here’s how they look when done…
…and here is my meaning behind making them.
My heart is a mosaic
It is made of many parts, some hidden (even from myself).
My heart is a mosaic
In it I carry the community of the people who have touched my life
My heart is a mosaic
Broken…slowly I try to reassemble the pieces.…imagine my surprise when my re-shaped heart is more beautiful than before.
My heart is a mosaic
Many passions and parts of my being unfolding, as I dare to live connected to my centre.
My heart is a mosaic…
Beautiful! Love the hearts and the sentiment! xx
hi concetta,
how do you make the pieces? are you using from a larger sheet of glass and then breaking it down?
thanks x
Yes, please share the diy version. I would love to give these a go.
beautiful and poignant x
Thanks for your comments! Doris and Amy, they are made of mainly stained glass / coloured mirror on wooden heart bases, stuck with PVA glue and grouted (mostly black) then painted with enamel. Hope that helps!
Forearm walking support frames