Living from your heart? A gift for you…


Look what landed in my inbox this morning!


Living from the Heart e-Book


This free e-book, put together by the lovely Louise Gale as part of the heART movement, it pulls together the wisdom of many creative souls (including yours truly), reflecting on how we can live from our hearts. Appropriate for this day of hearts don’t you think?

I feel privileged to have been asked to contribute (thank you Louise) and safe to say that the insights that I share I am trying to put into practice in my daily life!  Much of my contribution in the book has been influenced by the mindfulness course that I have been doing recently – I am finding it soooo helpful, so practical and deeply grounding. Just what I needed.

You can read the book in just one click from Louise’s site here.

Go on…give your heart some space today…mosaic hearts

4 Responses to “Living from your heart? A gift for you…”

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  1. I still need to read the whole thing. What an honor to be side by side with you lovely!

  2. moyra says:

    perfect match. xx