Our budding photographer

The other day I took a little leap of trust and placed my precious camera in the hands of my insistent 4 year old – strap carefully round her neck and firm instructions not to touch the lens. I took a deep breath and turned away (pretending not to supervise), leaving an excited Isabella clicking  away like a veritable David Bailey, complete with photographer body positions (picture this little one, twisting and turning herself to get just the right angle for her pictures).
I am glad I trusted. It was a delight watching her discovering this new way of seeing and capturing the world. Every minute or so she ran over to me excitedly, saying “look mummy, look!” at the latest picture in the viewfinder. It left me with a big grin on my face and a few extra pictures, slightly blurry (arty, no?) on my computer. Here they are – what do you think?

9 Responses to “Our budding photographer”

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  1. Jennifer says:

    I bet she was so excited, it is really nice to give the kiddos opportunities like this. I love her photographs.

  2. Amelia says:

    absolutely fabulous photography!!! Love it!

    Your blog is really inspiring 🙂


  3. Dana Barbieri says:

    She did great! love the foot and the flowers. My son does the same thing all of the time. I have tons of his pics. We have been printing some out and he keeps them in an album. It is so great to watch them go to work and then to see the pics. The world from their height and eyes. Great!

  4. Jules says:

    What beautiful photography! I love the flowers with the peaches. Tell her I think she's really good at taking photos! Aww. What a star! xx

  5. Mummy Bear says:

    I think these are a triumph! What brilliant idea..I had a friend you let his 6 year old nephew be the official photographer at his wedding…the result was amazing! A few too many foot shots but some winners!

  6. Concetta says:

    Thank you everyone, I will read Isabella the comments tomorrow, she will be chuffed!

  7. Alice ~ writer, dreamer, traveller ~ says:

    What beautiful photos and how nice to see what a child looks at… My Isabella also likes to take photos 🙂

  8. AG Ambroult says:

    these are fantastic. The reflection in the trash can is profound 😉 and the foot is too cute.
    (we were in the fishbowl class together, and I've stopped by every now and then but we have never really connected. So, Hi Concetta…I
    m Amy 🙂 Glad to have landed on your blog again.

  9. Concetta says:

    Hello Amy
    lovely to 'see' you. will pop over to yours and say hello too!