Art through the eyes of a child….

I have been overhearing  my children talking about arty things – making me smile as I catch what they say  about the difference between 2 and 3-dimensional (and the existence of 1-dimensional and 6-dimensional!). Then there was the discussion on the topic of colour. It went something like this… Big sister to little brother: “Did […] Read more...

For those who need to know they are not alone…

Apologies for those outside the UK who may not be aware that our country is currently engulfed in an enormous scandal and exposure of unchecked power, child abuse, alleged collusion from institutions such as the BBC, NHS and Social Services (read the story here and here) affecting so many people both directly and indirectly. As […] Read more...

The many facets of one mosaic…

It has Swarovski crystals in it (five of them) but those are not the only facets in this piece. Having lived with this piece of mosaic art (complete) for 4 days (and just waved it goodbye as it goes off to the BAMM mUsaic exhibition), I have been amazed at the many facets to this […] Read more...

Mosaic memories…

  Ladies and gentlemen… …today is the launch of a brand new collective exhibition by 13 mosaic artists all living in South London. If you are nearby, consider yourselves in for a treat. If you are far (far) away, I will post a virtual exhibition this Sunday so you too can see this feast for […] Read more...

Topps Tiles Mosaic Award success!

Last Thursday was a little bit special. It was my usual mosaic drop-in class here in South London and two of my lovely regular students were here. Also visiting was a mosaic friend, Jane. We had met on a mosaic course 8 years ago and hadn’t seen each other for 7 years. It was on […] Read more...

Time for broken hearts…

At last, some time to make my mosaic hearts. I love these mosaic heart brooches and pendants, don’t tire of making them. They are high bling when worn (always a good thing in my book) and hold much meaning… Here’s how they look when done… …and here is my meaning behind making them. My heart […] Read more...

More community mosaics in the making…

I am currently facilitating another wonderful community mosaic project at St Nick’s Children’s Centre in Bedfordshire. What a lovely group of people to be working with – mostly mums and little ones (who spread cement on the pavers with great enthusiasm!). These six large (60 x 60) pavers are being transformed into mini beasts to […] Read more...


My latest piece of mosaic art, just finished, now flying off to the annual Opus Mosaics exhibition. It is called “Bird in a Grey Sky” and here you can see me trying to love grey skies, which we have had rather a lot of (size 100 x 20cm). And one of my most beautiful creations […] Read more...

At last…mosaic insects on the wall!

The culmination of a 3 month mosaic marathon…the sun shone, the sky was blue and the insects arrive to their final home. Big smiles… You can see the process of each insect being made by clicking here and following the link to each insect. I have now added the photos and close ups of all […] Read more...

And so it begins…

One big mosaic project draws to a close just as another begins…with some overlap that makes the task of managing motherhood, art and business a little tricky. In reality, I get  done all that I need to (with my perfectionist streak at work!)  but often at the cost of balance to my own life. Exercise […] Read more...