Creative learning

I have been doing an e-course run by the lovely Marisa at Creative Thursday, which came to an end as I sat in bed, convalescing and listening to the last week of pod casts.

Marisa’s spirit has been just lovely:  enabling, empowering and full of integrity. Her words have propelled me to continue down the path of creating art from the heart (sorry about the cliché but it’s so true). Art that is connected to and sourced from a core part of me that seeks beauty and seeks to beautify.

The course has also, fundamentally, helped me nail unhealthy comparison on the head and accept, rather gladly, that I am where I am in my journey with creating (which I cannot really separate from my journey as a spiritual and social person) and that there is enough time to do this journey with integrity and with respect to the process. Put bluntly, to stop comparing myself negatively when I look at others amazing work and where they are on their journey. The core of this has been a realisation that my art is an extension of me and only I can be “me” so really there is no point comparing!

Another precious thing I take away from this course is connections to many wonderful women makers and artists all on a similar path. I value these connections very much and am looking forward to getting to know some of my classmates more as the months go by.

Thank you Marisa and thank you fishies!

4 Responses to “Creative learning”

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  1. Amelia says:

    Wow – this sounds so good and I totally agree with this sentiment. Your art has to be you, true and 'authentic' (without sounding cliched too). I think the best decisions come from the heart, but it is often underestimated in a rational world of logic and mind-reasoning!!

    Thanks for sharing.


  2. Concetta says:

    Thanks Amelia 😉

  3. AG Ambroult says:

    so true, that you cannot separate your creative journey from your personal one. I already miss that class so much! Even though I rarely had time to hang out in the conversations, I still felt such a sense of community. sigh.

  4. Kate England | Marmalade Moon says:

    It's been great to meet you in the fish bowl, Concetta! And YES, the fish bowl, and Marisa are soooo amazing! It's been a huge experience for me too!