Foraging in the woods today

If you live somewhere rural, please excuse the indulgence of me going on and on about being in the trees. Us urbanites are tree deprived.

Off for a cycle ride in the woods today. Would you believe we found a woody glade, with a moss carpeted floor, to have our picnic, just as the sun came out?
We went with the intention of finding stuff to craft with – cones, acorns, twigs…Isabella got stuck right in as you can see!
I probably won’t post again ’til we are back in smoggy London. See you then.

2 Responses to “Foraging in the woods today”

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  1. jacqueline says:

    Hiee there, your kids are soo cute! You have such a cozy lovely bubble space. 🙂 Hope to see you soon. Have a wonderful happy merry day and love to you!

  2. Concetta says:

    Thank you Jacqueline, they are real cuties. See you in the fishbowl!