
I had a moment last week of deep, deep gratitude towards someone for their loving care, their choices that were liberating and conveyed such deep care, value and honour towards me. Boy, how lucky am I? That someone is  sitting on the sofa here with me as I type!

There are those things we take for granted that we forget to be grateful for, but how often do we experience those moments of being sooooo grateful, deeply, viscerally grateful for something that has happened (or not happened)? They are precious events that shape our way of seeing and our relationships, don’t you think?

2 Responses to “Gratitude”

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  1. Jennifer says:

    I couldn't agree more.

  2. Amelia says:

    yes gratitude is key, although it can get fogged for me at tough times! I'll just make a list no doubt! 😉

    a good jog also sorts out things, how funny to see you, one day we will meet up – am trying to pare down work at the moment as am far too busy.

    Continue the good grateful work, I am going to make a gratitude journal and have come across a book: "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach which I think I need to buy!

