Normally I blog at least once a week, but I hope you will forgive me for the longer than normal gap….it has just been so lovely to read your comments after the launch of my new site – all your words have been truly received. I have been touched by the feedback (both on and offline) and encouraged by how many of you have said that the new site is a great resource to you – that is so what I want it to be! Thank you all.
Before I announce the winners of the giveaway (drum roll….!), I just want to show you some pictures of the community mosaics that children and parents of the Wandsworth Early Years Service are making with the help of yours truly.
- Knee deep in prep!

My cat supervising the prep work...

Bee and tulip ready to go...!
- Toby shows how big the ladybird is!
- Isabella & the butterfly…
When this project was hatched, I felt glee at the prospect of helping to create giant mosaic ladybirds, snails and bees. Whilst it is seriously hard physical work prepping a project like this (picture me covered in cement dust from cutting the insects, and with bits of tile in…ehm!…the folds of my clothes) this kind of project is just bound to bring out the inner child.

Ladybird half complete

Bee nearly done!

Tulip done and ready to be scrubbed and grouted
The utter concentration and enthusiasm of the parents and children at our first making session was just wonderful (I had to usher them out for a tea break!). We have two more sessions to finish our bugs and butterflies before they are all installed in the centre garden. I will post some tips on doing this kind of project soon…
Now, for those of you who have been holding your breath to find out if you have won a year long place on Amelia’s Experimental Art E-Course or one of my Mosaic Hearts…
Each entrants name was written on a piece of paper and folded (spot the UV lamp on the left – pressie from my beloved last Christmas, to keep the happy hormones flowing during the dark winter!). There were exactly 100 entrants, and two beautiful assistants to pull the names out of the hat!
And the winners are….for the Experimental Art E-Course:
Katherine Cadin
And for the mosaic heart brooch…
Julia Jones
Congratulations to you both! Please do get in touch to arrange receiving your prizes.
I will be back in a couple of days with details of a wonderful exhibiting/community mosaic opportunity for you!
Concetta these mosiacs look like they will be fabulous when finished! You seem to be doing some amazing work in your local community!
Thanks Ali. Working hard and having fun (good combination!). Will post pics when they are up 🙂
one other thing that is lovely about your new blog. this font is fabulous. so pretty. good choice. those mosaic creatures are really cute too.
Hey, thanks Moyra. Spent ages choosing the fonts! The whole site was done on the premise that we did not settle for anything less than ‘aha! That’s perfect!’. Fortunately my wonderful designer operates in the same way!
These are amazing, can’t wait to see them installed!