My mosaic studio…

For the last 7 years, this has been my creative haven, my workplace, a learning space for hundreds of students, a refuge of relaxation away from daily stresses and demands, and a wonderful room where the children and I craft together. It has gone through so many changes, adapting this small space to make it […] Read more...

Art, community and belonging

For ages I have had this idea of using mosaics as a way of promoting a sense of community and belonging… The idea has rumbled in my head for years…to create a mosaic trail round a neighbourhood, inviting people to make a mosaic that depicts a community symbol… …and for the mosaics that are made […] Read more...

Art through the eyes of a child….

I have been overhearing  my children talking about arty things – making me smile as I catch what they say  about the difference between 2 and 3-dimensional (and the existence of 1-dimensional and 6-dimensional!). Then there was the discussion on the topic of colour. It went something like this… Big sister to little brother: “Did […] Read more...